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Habits Of Waste

Habits Of Waste
  • 类型:生活
  • 语言:"EN"
  • 评分:0.000
  • 厂商:Crayon Collection
  • 是否收费:免费
  • 更新时间:2024-03-15 08:27:42
  • 标签: 生活 美食佳饮
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The #8meals app (by ) is a free resource to help people on their journey to a partially plant-based diet. We have many features to support an increase of plant-based meals into the lifestyle of those who are not fully vegan. A partially plant-based diet is essential to combat climate change and #8meals is based on a study done by the University of Michigan. Eating more plant-based meals is healthier for your body, healthier for the planet, and easier on your wallet, the #8meals challenge is a win-win-win.

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